DIY Ice Cream Sundae Kit

Let me just start off by saying how much fun I had putting together this ice cream sundae kit. There is nothing better then doing something that will brighten up someone’s day especially when it involves sweets! Speaking of kit’s have you seen THIS post with a round up of all the different kits you can make to give to someone? So cute!

Anyway, for this kit I started by searching the candy isles of Walmart looking for everything I would want on an ice cream sundae of my own. By the time I was done I ended up with mostly chocolate things. You should have seen my daughter’s eyes as I kept putting sweet after sweet into our shopping cart. You would have thought it was Christmas or something! Don’t worry she got to taste test just about all of it. 
In the end the toppings for this particular ice cream sundae kit included the following:
– Oreo’s
– Snickers
– Reese’s
– Sprinkles
– M &M’s
– Fudge topping
– Caramel topping
– Waffle cone bowls
(I was also planning on adding some chopping walnuts but complete for got about them while I was wrapped up in getting all the sweet things.)
So except for the rare few who dislike chocolate I would say this was a safe concoction of toppings for anyone.
For the candy bars and the Oreo’s I used a mixer of my food processor and blender to make them a little easier to go on the sundae’s. The Snickers where a little too tough for my small food processor which is when I pulled out the blender. Then I put all the toppings in individual bags. I used zip-lock sandwich bags because that is what I had an hand.
Next I created and printed off these Tasty Topping labels. I cut them out and folded in half; then stapled them over the top of the bags with the toppings in them.
Now I was ready to assemble my kit in a box that fit everything nice and snug since I was sending it. Before wrapping the box up with some kraft paper I put this little note on top. Done!
If you’re wanted to make this ice cream sundae kit you can download the “Tasty Toppings” labels and the “Just Add Ice Cream” note HERE.
I’m sure someone special out there would love to receive a yummy package like this 🙂
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