Author: Sara

Easy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously Paired

Easy Fur Vest Refashion


Easy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously Paired
Easy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously PairedEasy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously PairedEasy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously PairedEasy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously Paired

Maybe you’ve noticed, I’m kind of obsessed with fur vests. I’ve been searching high and low for a cute fur vest for Addie, but any thing I saw was $20 or more. Quite honestly I think $20 is a fairly decent price for a trendy article of clothing, but being on a strict budget it was definitely out of the question. Even to make one from scratch seemed to be rather spendy. Luckily Goodwill pulled through for me again, and I was able  to find this sweater for only $4! It was a complete steal as it was in great condition and fully lined with fur. Really all I did was detached the fur inside from the sweater and add some lining to the wrong side of the fur. I used a silky smooth lining from an old skirt I had tucked away in my fabric stash…talk about thrifty! Now I just have to find one for me!

And can I just say how extremely difficult it is to photograph a 2 year old! I still have no idea how to work my DSLR camera and chasing around my daughter, baiting her to simply look at me, I probably looked like a crazy woman! It makes me chuckle just thinking about the onlookers passing by witnessing  the whole fiasco. Next time I’ll gladly pay someone to do this kind of dirty work! Nonetheless, Hanna was able to work her magic to make my novice photography skill look it’s best.

Custom Illustrated Portrait

Custom Illustrated Portraits Now Available!

Custom Illustrated Portraits | Preciously Paired

As some of you may remember from my colorblock skirt sketches, I’ve been testing my hand at illustration. I’ve always loved drawing. I guess you could say it’s my hidden talent, like all you shower singers. Drawing has always been a therapeutic outlet for me, and with custom portraits making a trendy comeback I feel like it is something I can share that others may appreciate and enjoy. It’s really a win win situation! Honestly the idea of sharing my drawings is super scary to me. I felt comfortable being a “closet artist” (a very novice artist at that), and I intended to keep it that way. However, Hanna is always seeing more potential in me than I ever see in myself and is constantly challenging me to push out of my comfort zones. So when we got a wedding announcement for one of our cousins not too long ago, Hanna thought it would be a great idea to put together a custom portrait for them… and so began me bursting out of my comfort zone.

Now we have decided to add custom illustrations as part of our little shop! Starting today you can order a custom portrait for yourself, or as the perfect personalized gift! I do the drawing, then send it over to Hanna to make into a beautiful image that can be printed right from your home computer in  minutes! Frame it, have it printed on a canvas, or even uses it to create this year’s holiday greeting cards! Visit our shop for more information on how to order your custom illustration!
Illustration process

Custom Illustrated Portrait
Here is the little look at the process of creating this lovely portrait we did for our cousin and his adorable new wife. And below is one we made of my little family. This picture is from a few years back, taken by Hanna. I always have her take our family pictures. I love her work!

Dean Family Illustration

Hard to believe that this is us isn’t it?! We were all trying out different hair dos then. Would you believe that my hair line completely receded after having my baby! I had two giant bald patches right in front for months… hence the bangs! You’ll be glad to know that they have since grown back.

Polka Dot Midi Skirt Refashion

Mint + Polka Dot Pleated Skirt Refashion

With all the sewing I did leading up  to opening our shop and with the orders I have done since, I haven’t had any time to sew for myself. As much as I love sewing lovely things for others to enjoy, I also truly enjoy making lovely things to keep for myself.

Having recently quit my day job we seem to be getting by just fine, but our budget is tight… which is tough for a girl who likes loves clothes.  I’ve been fighting every impulse in my body not to go out and buy some of the latest fall trends! But a tight budget does not hold me back from adding new pieces to my wardrobe. My solution: sew them myself.

Polka Dot Midi Skirt Refashion

This pretty little pleated skirt I refashioned from a dress I found at Goodwill for just $9! As I got halfway through ripping the dress apart I realized I forgot to take a “before” picture, but trust me when I say it was hideous. It was straight out of the 80’s with giant shoulder pads, lace trim, puff sleeves, and a very unflattering silhouette. Really, the only good thing about it was the fabric.

Polka Dot Pleated Skirt RefashionThe dress had a very full skirt so that is the part I used. After separating the skirt from the bodice I pinned pleats in the fabric. Now if you want to get specific with this part you can but I just eyeballed the pleats to fit my waist. I then attached the skirt to my waistband, added the zipper, and then hemmed the bottom. One tip I will give about making a great skirt: use interfacing in the waistband! I’ve made plenty of skirts now to know you do not want to go without it, especially if you carry a little bit of weight in you mid-section like I do. Adding interfacing to the backside of you waistband with give it a cleaner look and sturdier feel. No wrinkling and bending.

Polka Dot Midi Skirt Refashion

Polka Dot Midi Skirt Refashion

Polka Dot Midi Skirt Refashion

Polka Dot Midi Skirt Refashion

I simply adore how it turned out! Don’t you?

In other news, since quitting my day job I’ve absolutely loved being home full-time with my 2 year old, but WOW has it been an adjustment! I forgot how completely tiring and (I’ll be honest) a little lonely it can be. I’ve come to really realize how important good friendships are; and being relatively new to my area, close friends are still quite few. My husband is quite honestly my best friend, but would I be wrong in saying that sometimes a girl just needs another girl? No! We women and mothers thrive on the support and friendship of other women. When I was first married I might not have agreed, but now I find it absolutely vital. However, sometimes it is hard for me to reach  out to other women for help because it seems like a sign of weakness; or maybe they might actually find out that I’m not super woman like they appear to be. Sometimes I feel I may be rejected. Sometimes it just feels easier to stay at home and tell myself I can do it without them.

Am I the only one with these fears when it comes to making new friends?

Unfortunately this has been my attitude this week. There is something about being close to “that-time-of-the-month” that makes me a depressive recluse. Time to bust out of my shell and make some friends, ones that go beyond acquaintances. Any advice or tips?

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Fall Wishlist | Stripes and Polka Dots - creating a versatile wardrobe

Friday Finds #18: Fall Wishlists

Fall Wishlist | Stripes and Polka Dots - creating a versatile wardrobe

(Click on the images to view sources)

Image Map

Ok, so now that it is September can we officially declare it fall?

I absolutely love fall fashion…particularly all the layering and all the boots (can’t forget the boots)! I just love the depth and interest layering and mixing-and-matching different pieces gives an outfit. I always feel so “blah” in the summer when all I wear is a tee shirt and jeans because it’s too hot to wear anything more. I try, but truly fall is my comfort zone.

As fall is my favorite season to dress for, it may not surprise you that my wardrobe weights heavily of sweaters, jackets, and blouses (which is also why you don’t see any on my fall wishlist). I like to keep a functioning wardrobe, so this year’s fall wishlist mainly contains “filler” pieces that I’ve been obsessing over, and can also be mixed-and-matched with much of what I already have in my closet. Just by themselves I could probably make 4 different outfits! Versatility is absolutely essential when it comes to my wardrobe.

After having my daughter several years ago, my body was completely different and a lot of my clothes just didn’t fit anymore. Becoming a mom brought me so much joy, but when it came to my wardrobe it was black hole of ill-fitted, old, and random pieces of clothing. It was a struggle every day to get dressed. Finally after several months of this, I cleaned out my closet and started basically from scratch. I did a lot of research on how to create an awesome wardrobe and compiled it in a series I wrote called, “Wardrobe Essentials“. If you feel like you’re in a style rut, definitely check it out- it has changed my life! It sounds cheesy to say, but it literally has!

What’s on your fall wishlist?

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DIY-marble-desk- | House of Hawkes

Your Designs This Time – No. 25

ydttb main

Welcome back to Your Designs This Time! We’re off to a late start this week as we were gone for the long holiday weekend on a “girls getaway” with our mother and sister-in-law; no kids, no husbands, no computers. I know, no excuse! But I’ve got to tell you guys, it was absolute heaven! It’s really the first time I’ve had a long getaway from my kid… and she’s 2! Don’t get me wrong, I love my daughter to pieces, but for those of you who are mother’s or spend a lot of time watching small children, you understand the necessity to have a break every once in while. Now we’re both back feeling refreshed and ready to go, so lets start the party!

Continue reading “Your Designs This Time – No. 25”

Potty Training in 3 Days...Does it Work?

Potty Training in 3 days… Does it Work?

I know what you are all thinking, “Potty training? Are we really going there?” But after all this is a lifestyle blog, and my life for the past week and a half has been cleaning up pee, doing laundry, and acting overly enthusiastic when my daughter goes in the potty. And since everyone who is a parent, or is planning on becoming a parent, will have to go through this thrilling experience (if you have not already), I thought I’d give my two cents on the matter.

(Disclaimer: All thoughts and opinions about products mentioned in this post are my own. I am not receiving any payment or compensation to review the products mentioned, they are simply things that I like and have worked for me.)

Potty Training in 3 Days...Does it Work?

When we were first thinking about potty training, a friend told me of a program she used called “3 Day Potty Training“. Like anyone else, I was skeptical. Could a child really be completely potty trained in three days? The idea of potty training and everything that accompanies it caused me to continually find excuses to put it off… for three months! Finally, after coming back from vacation with no job and only two weeks before my husband had to go back to school I felt like it was now or never. But I knew if I was going to do it I wanted to have a game plan; I didn’t want to jump into potty training cold turkey. There was no going back for me once we decided to start. I knew we’d have more success if we established a method and knew before hand how we were going to handle certain situations. So, I did a little research and found myself reading up on the “3 Day Potty Training” method that my friend had suggested.

After reading through the “3 Day Potty Training” program, I was really intrigued by it’s concepts and felt empowered to start. This particular method focuses heavily on love, consistency, patience, and positive reinforcements throughout the potty training process. Since my daughter (and probably most other kids) responds best to love, patience, and positive reinforcements (a.k.a candy) I thought I’d give it a try. I had my husband look over it too before we started potty training so we’d be on the same page throughout the process.

Day #1. An important part of potty training in three days is that you give your child your complete attention during that time so you can watch for signs of your child having to go potty or catch them in an accident. So on day 1 I woke up early and got ready for the day and finished a few tasks before my daughter woke up. Once she woke up, we changed her diaper, put on her “big girl panties”, and got rid of the any diapers we had left. Part of the program right from the beginning is to throw away all diapers and pull-ups to remove any and all temptations to revert backwards. Repeatedly during the day we would say to my daughter, “Tell us when you have to go potty” and then every twenty minutes or so we would take her to the potty. My mother-in-law bought her a cute little princess potty chair that senses when a child goes potty and plays a celebratory song once they do.  When my daughter would go potty, the potty chair would play it’s song while my husband and I clapped and cheered with excitement. What 2 year old wouldn’t love that kind of attention? She thought it was the funnest thing and had no problem going every time we’d take her. Plus she got a little treat after as well…positive reinforcements! There were 3-4 accidents to clean up the first day, but overall it was pretty manageable… Day #2 however was different story.

Day #2. On the second day of potty training my daughter did not find going on the potty very amusing. In fact, she refused to go on it at all! There was one point in the day that she begged to go to time out rather then sit on the potty! In turn I started to loose my patience. While the program stresses not to get upset when your child has an accident and not to force your child on the potty, by mid-afternoon I  was like, “to hell with it!” I was mad. I had spent the better half of the day cleaning up messes and doing laundry- not to mention my house reeked of urine. When I wasn’t cleaning up messes, I was sitting in the bathroom trying to get my daughter to go potty. Finally towards the end of the second day, we coaxed her to go in the potty and we made sure to make a big deal about it. I guess she found it fun again because she went several more times before bed willingly.

Day #3. On the third day of potty training we had much less accidents than the previous days; only two. We would remind her to let us know if she had to go potty, and when we saw her dancing around or holding herself we would take her to the potty.

It has been a week and a half since we started potty training and each day has been much the same as the third. She does great during the day as long as we stay on top of taking her potty on a regular basis. She has not yet pooped in the potty and has wet the bed almost every night since the day we started even when following the program. Any and all suggestions in this area would be welcomed!

In conclusion, would I say my daughter is completely potty trained? No. Does she still have accidents? Uh, yah. Would I still recommend “3 Day Potty Training“? Absolutely! (Again I am not receiving any payment or compensation for reviewing and recommending this product) I did not go into this process with the illusion that my daughter would be perfectly potty trained in 3 days– she’s 2! Like learning any new skill, it takes time and lots of practice to get really good at it. While she still has accidents, I love the concepts this program is based upon. Then again every parent and child is different and therefore requires different needs. I’m not saying you have to use this program, but I do think it is a good idea to do some research and prepare yourself ahead of time for potty training.

Have a game plan so you and your child can be successful.

If you have a spouse or someone helping you potty train, make sure you’re both on the some page about how you’re going to handle certain situations.

And lastly, do what works for you!

When researching how to go about potty training my child I heard from lots of different mothers how they did it with their children. I’m not saying any one of them were wrong or right. When it comes right down to it you have to do what works best for you and your child. I’ll freely admit that while the method I used is against using pull-ups, if my daughter is still consistently having accidents at night in a month or two I may very well resort to pull-ups at night. I very much value my sleep, and not having a washer and dryer of my own I get tired of having to do laundry every day.

Also for those who are interested, below is the potty chair that we use. It is great because it is easy to clean, can be used as a step-stool, and plays celebratory songs! I got mine at Walmart.

potty chair

Custom Portraits

Friday Finds #18: Unique and Thoughtful Gift Ideas

Since we’re on the topic of weddings and baby showers this week, we thought we’d put together a little guide of some unique and thoughtful gift ideas for either a wedding or baby shower. I think the biggest misconception about giving a personalized gift is that it takes a lot of thought and time. While some of these gift ideas do require some planning ahead of time, they are easy to put together, they are unique, and they will most certainly be loved!

Wedding Gift Ideas

Custom Portraits Custom Portraits via The Homesteady 

The Homemaker's Wedding Gift BasketHomemaker’s Gift Basket via Natalie Creates

Wedding Ring Holder FrameCustom Ring Holder Frames via The Papery Nook 

Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Growth Chart VintageDIY Growth Chart via Thistlewood Farms

Mom's One Line a DayMom’s One Line A Day Book via The Paper Source

bath caddy for baby ♥ raising up rubies & free pretty things

Baby Bath Caddy via Raising Up Rubies

Hope you’ve all been inspired! If you have, or have posted about other great gift ideas please share them with us in the comments section below!

If you missed our Custom Cookie Kit Wedding Gift, check it out {HERE}… another awesome gift idea!

Or, if you haven’t seen the photos from the adorable nautical themed baby shower that Hanna hosted, be sure to check it out {HERE}

As for those who are wondering how I survived potty training my 2 year old this week, I’m going to share all about it next week!

Happy Weekend!!

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