Author: Hanna

Color Block Party Skirts for Girls: Holiday Edition

Get in the Christmas Spirit with Our Color Block Party Skirts for Girls

Sara and I decided to try something new and try making some video’s to show off our Color Block Party skirts. We love the idea of you being able to see our skirts in action and getting to see and know us a little more too!

I love doing fun and creative projects with my girls that help inspire pretend play so for this first video I decided to share a fun idea that does just that while also helping get the kids in the Christmas spirit. Using things from our our house my girls and I made Santa’s sleigh with reindeer. It’s super easy and my girls had a fun time imagining that they were delivering presents to all the kids on Christmas.

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Also featured in this holiday video are these beyond adorable, Rudolph masks from Opposite by Far. If you haven’t visited this shop yet its a must! Jessica, the creator of these cute masks, has a huge variety to choose from and they are a great gift for the kids! While your at it make sure to also check our shop! We’re going to be having some great sale’s on our skirts so now is your chance to get one!

What are some fun activities or projects you like to do with your kids during the holidays?

Custom Illustrated Holiday Cards | Preciously Paired

5 Steps to Getting Creative and Unique Holiday Cards

Before blogs, Facebook. and Instagram, sending holidays cards was a way of updating all our distant friends and family about the past year. Now that it’s easy to stay in touch with those living far away online, we think that holiday cards can be a chance to wish those we care about a Merry Christmas in a creative and fun way.

So this year, chose to do something a little different and let Preciously Paired illustrate and design your holiday cards with these 5 easy steps!

5 Steps to Getting Custom Illustrated Holiday Cards

If you’re interested in giving us the honor of illustrating and designing your holiday cards, head over to our shop and put in your order! The holiday’s are fast approaching so we would recommend getting your order in as soon as possible to allow us time to design your print, and for you to get them printed. We can’t wait to work with you!


DIY felt Halloween costumes | Preciously Paired

My DIY Halloween

Happy Halloween! I think I’ve mentioned this before, but Sara and I didn’t grow up with Halloween being much of a big deal in our house. However, now that I’m a mother of young kids I’ve been trying to be more excited about it. To be honest though, I’m still not super into it to the point where I plan full family costumes, but I’m realizing that I do enjoy creating things for my girls to dress up in and doing Halloween activities that they would enjoy throughout the month.

This year I got really ambitious and decided to make both of the girl’s costumes from scratch! It took Mia forever to just decide on one thing she wanted to be, and she only finally chose a mermaid because that is what her cousin said she was going to be. Whatever the reason, I decided to roll with it. While recently organizing my craft space, I found some green felt and red yarn. I figured I would challenge myself to try and make Mia’s costume from what I had on hand. In the end, I ended up spending less then $5 on her entire costume! I got the pattern for her Arial hair/wig HERE. It totally made the outfit and was pretty easy to make.

Livy’s costume is a little bit of an inside joke. Growing up in Nevada we didn’t just celebrate Halloween but we celebrated Nevada Day as well; the day Nevada became a state. Since marrying my husband, October 31st has really been more about celebrating Nevada Day than Halloween. Before having kids we’d go to my parents house every year to celebrate. My husband is always teasing about our obsession with Nevada Day over Halloween so I thought it only fitting that one of my kids should represent a fun family tradition; not to mention it’s the 150th year of Nevada being a state!

After spending several nights making my girl’s their costumes, and as fate would have it, it just so happens that we all have been sick and Mia has had to miss most of her Halloween activities during the week. Luckily Mia is much better and Livy is almost there so we’re hoping to get out tonight for a little trick-or-treating, or at the very least sing a few rounds of “Home Means Nevada”.

DIY felt Halloween costumes | Preciously PairedAnyone else make their kid’s Halloween costumes or have any fun Halloween traditions? We’d love to hear about them!


More Tea?

The kind of art I always seem to admire are one’s that depict an artist’s playful take on children and their vivid imaginations and ability to pretend. I love that reality doesn’t exist for children and that they can create and be anything they want to be all with just the power of their thoughts and imaginations. I love that art can capture that and that like child’s imaginations it also tends to have no bounds. An artist can escape reality and create anything they imagine. Sadly I don’t have that direct talent to do it myself, but luckily I always had another half to do that for me. Sara has been my outlet when it comes to creating art that showed things we would imagine up or a scene from our favorite books.

Since Sara and I have brought our love of illustrating to our shop we’ve been brainstorming prints we’d like to add along with our custom illustrated portraits. Our new Tea Party print is our simple take on something that almost every girl has memories of doing; pretend tea parties. Something about dressing up, saying proper and polite phrases and sipping on tea cups with pinkies up is an imaginary scenario worth playing over and over.

tea party 038Starting today this print is now in our shop! As for me this print is going up in Mia’s room stat!

tea party printtea party print1

What’s a print you’d like to see in our shop?

Craft Space "Must Haves" | Preciously Paired

My Craft Space “Must Haves”

For of us “crafters” we all seek for a space to to call our own to store all our supplies, be inspired and do projects. With each of us that space can vary. For me it started out as a small, portable sewing cabinet, then moved to my daughter’s closet, then graduated to a spare room I shared with my husband’s office until we had another baby and finally to my latest craft area in our basement. Each space had pros and cons, but it is what it is and most importantly it is MY space to do what I love!

Craft area

No matter the space I designate to store my supplies and do projects I’ve come to find my “must haves” for the space.

1. Good lighting. If I had it my way my craft space would include large windows letting in lots of beautiful, natural light. Why don’t we add in an ocean view when we’re at it?! However, this is rarely the case for most people, including me. My craft space is located in our basement and even though these pictures don’t reflect it the lighting is terrible and dark! Right now I have a small lamp to light up my work space but I plan on adding some lighting underneath the top shelves to brighten things up and help me see what I’m actually trying to do.

2. Organization. Let’s face it, no one wants to do a project when you have to go digging for every supply you need and a in ton of different areas around the house. I’ve been there before and it takes me twice as long to complete a project which sometimes I then shy away from doing them all together. My favorite craft space organizers are pegboards, they are fabulous! Storage boxes are another must have and we all know that Ikea is your one stop shop for organization, especially when it comes to storage boxes.

3. Inspiration. When I’m in my element doing projects I like to be surrounded by things that inspire me. This is where my hanging clipboards come into place. Whenever I see something that inspires me in a magazine or there is a quote I like I clip it to my clipboards.

4. Colorful and fun accents. No matter where my craft area is, it can always be brighten up with fun colors and accents. One way I like to add color is through the things I organize with. I painted my pegboard, added some patterned paper to some of my storage boxes and spray painted the lids to my mason jars. Another great way I add color is through some fun decorative art. I scored mine from the Esty shop Poppy Mae. Her “Hello Lovely” and “Love” prints I have displayed in my craft space are just two of the dozens of cute and colorful print she has. Here’s another one of my favorites that is motivational. I recommend checking them out!

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So now my craft space is organized, beautified and ready to go for all my projects!

Craft area1Where is your craft space located and what are your “must haves” for it?

New Halloween Print in Shop!

We’re one month into our new school routine, the leaves are changing, my apple harvest scent is plugged in and I spent the day putting up my fall/Halloween decorations; life is very good! Mia has been loving school and her dance class. She is quite our little social bug. On the other hand Livy and I are loving the time we get to spend in the morning just the two of us and I have been having a blast planning with Sara the future shop additions and  changes! Boy, are there changes coming!

Halloween Illustration6_edited-1

The latest shop addition is this adorable Halloween print. We wanted to create something that was family friendly. With toddlers of our own who have already started the endless talk of what to be for Halloween this seemed to be the perfect fit.

To add this 8×10 print to your Halloween decor just go to our shop and since it’s our first print and officially Halloween season you can get this print for just $3 for the next week!

Now, for those of you who like to see things in an actual setting, take a look at what a great addition it made to my entryway table in my front room! Along with the Halloween print I decided to get a little crafty and do my own spider web canvas art and fabric garland. I am now officially ready to enjoy October!

Halloween Illustration7

Halloween Illustration

Halloween Illustration1

Halloween Illustration2

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Halloween Illustration4

Is anyone else on the ball and already have their Halloween decoration up?

Halloween Illustration5

Once again, thank you all for your support, comments, following and purchases! Sara and I are having so much fun with the new addition of custom illustrations to our shop and now for originally illustrated prints. We have so many ideas for future prints as well. We’d also love any ideas or requests for different kinds of prints from our lovely followers!

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Office Shelves by Delineate Your Dwelling

Your Designs This Time – No. 26

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Welcome back to Your Designs This Time and happy Monday! I don’t know about you, but I’m having a hard time adjusting to a new schedule aka waking up and getting ready before 10! On the flip side my daughter is having a hard time going to bed! With school and dance we have something almost every morning and after our first week at it I totally crashed this weekend. I’m hoping that this week we all settling into our new schedule. So let’s start this week off right and get inspired by all the fun projects and posts you’ve created!

Continue reading “Your Designs This Time – No. 26”