Friday Finds #2: Cold Weather

We may not love the cold weather so much, but we do love some of the things that go hand in hand when it’s chilly outside. What’s better than some cozy layering pieces to stay warm, a great read while you’re stuck inside and an oh so delicious cup of hot cocoa to go with it?

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Hope you’re staying warm! Have a great weekend!

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How to Turn Project Dreaming into Reality

We recently became new homeowners! Our little family moved in just over a month ago and already there are so many thing we love about it.  Perhaps the thing I love most about our new house is the potential each room has in becoming a space of our own– a space where we will rise our children, welcome guests, and call home. The problem? With so many options and things to choose from, I’ve been getting so lost as to what it is I want to do with each space, and with a limited budget where should I even begin? New ideas and updates on the house are continually being added to my list and somehow I needed to find a way to get started.
Like me, I’m sure many of you have a growing wishlist that is just waiting to be tackled. Whether you’ve recently moved like me, or have lived in a place for years, I want to share a few tips I’ve learned on how you can start checking off some of those things on your list and finally create the space you’ve always wanted. Surprisingly, it’s quite similar to Sara’s steps in building a wardrobe. Who knew?!

1. Start by pin-pointing exactly what in your space isn’t working, what needs to go and what needs to be updated and/or fixed. I’m not talking about a major renovation here! Simple updates/fixes might include: organizing or rearranging a space; adding more personality and color with a coat of paint; or getting rid of an old piece of furniture and replacing it with something newer and of higher quality.

One of the first things on my project “to-do” list is our guest bathroom. There really isn’t anything horrible about it, but its a little out-dated and not really our style. I wanted something clean and sleek and something welcoming for guests.

2. Once you’ve identified the issues, start looking for inspiration and ideas for things you like or that would work in the space to fix the problem. As many of you already know, Pinterest is the #1 place to get great inspiration! I also like to look through different clips from magazines that I am always saving (ex. Do It Yourself, HGTV magazine, Better Home and Gardens). When using Pinterest or whatever else you use for inspiration, have a separate board/folder for each room to keep everything organized and easy to access.

3. Now that you know what direction you want to go in and some of the things you would like to get, start complying a shopping list and figuring out how much everything is going to cost.

Here is the board for the guest bathroom.

Notice once I found my inspiration photo I was able to start looking for things that went along those lines and I was able to start getting an idea of how much this was going to cost.

4. Lastly, figure out which project or space is at the top of your priority list and start there, working you’re way down the list until everything is eventually done.

 I like doing things this way because a) I have a clear vision of where I want the space to end up, and b) I can get things I actually want by taking the time to look around for the best deals even if it means getting things a little at a time. Sooner or later you’ll finally have the space you’ve always wanted that works!

Now just a few things to keep in mind:

Maybe the inspiration for your space would cost a lot more than you would like to pay, no worries! There is always something that looks similar or gives the same feel for a lot less if you’re willing to take the time and look around. Another option is to do it yourself.

As I mentioned above, having a laid out plan takes away the stress when it comes to buying the pieces and materials for the space your are creating; however, the big lesson is having PATIENCE. One thing I am still struggling to learn is that it’s not always realistic to have everything now. Over time a beautiful space is created.

I hope this post has inspired you to go tackle some of those awaiting projects! As for me, I already have the walls painted in the guest bathroom and plan on finishing up with the rest in the following weeks! Make sure to check back for the after photos!

I would love to hear some spaces you’ve wanted to revamp or projects you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t yet and what you’re plans are!

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How to Clean Out Your Closet for Good

Find out how to finally say good-bye to those clothes you never wear and purge your closet of all that negative clutter.

It’s a new year and it’s time to whip your wardrobe into shape and finally say good-bye to those things you’ve been holding on to for years. You know, those items just sitting in your closet that you see every day when you go to get dressed but never pull off the hanger for one reason or another? Maybe it’s your favorite pair of pants that don’t fit anymore but you hold on to them with the hope that one day they’ll fit again. Or perhaps it’s a shirt that doesn’t quite go with anything else in your wardrobe, but you can’t bring yourself to get rid of it because (even though it’s been years) one day it might magically go with something.

I’m as guilty as the next girl when it comes to this problem; and quite honestly, I’m tired of it. I mean really, why do we insist on keeping clothes that don’t make us feel good about our bodies?! These clothes, no matter what the attachment to them might be, are not doing us any favors. They’re merely clutter in our lives; roadblocks if you will, that are preventing us from truly embracing our bodies.
I’ve spent the past year striving to overcome these wardrobe roadblocks and build a new wardrobe for myself. You can read about my full wardrobe transformation HERE along with steps to create your own. I can’t say that I’ll ever be perfect at it but I am learning. I still make shopping mistakes and have trouble letting go of certain pieces that are more than overdue. With some of the lessons I‘ve learned, I want to share with you some tips on how to finally purge your closet of the clothes that are holding you and your style back. 

1. Get rid of anything that does not fit or flatter the body you have now (whether it be something from high school or a recent purchase)


2. What may have been your style 3 years ago may not be your style now


3. If you haven’t worn something for at least a year, chances are you won’t ever in the future.


4. If you have clothes that need mending but have been sitting in your “to-do” pile for months, either make it a goal to fix them this week or throw them out


5. Don’t keep something if you have nothing to wear with it (even if it is the most stylish skirt you own)


6. Don’t keep clothes that are uncomfortable to wear, that wrinkle easily, or that make you feel like you are always having to adjust or pull at them


7. Sentimental clothing can be hard to finally let go of, so allow a few minutes to remember the good times, take a picture of it, and either box it away or put it in the giveaway pile

Find out how to finally say good-bye to those clothes you never wear and purge your closet of all that negative clutter.


When cleaning out your closet, be truly honest with yourself. If an article of clothing falls into one of the categories listed above, get rid of it. Don’t allow yourself a lot of time to rethink your decisions. Cleaning out your closet can be hard in the moment; but believe me, it is so liberating when you are finished and you’ve freed yourself of all that negative clutter!

To reiterate what we have been talking about, let me share a few brief examples of clothes that were difficult for me to let go of and why I finally did.


Example #1: I bought this skirt almost 5 years ago. I fell in love with it the moment I saw and just had to have it. Before I thought much about it I bought it and took it home to hang in my closet. The problem is that it did just that…sit in my closet. I’ve always loved this skirt but have never really found anything I liked to go with it. I’ve worn this skirt a total of 6 times, none of which have been in the last 3 years. Needless to say it was time to finally let it go.

Example #2: This basic button-down shirt was a more recent purchase of mine. I bought it about 6 months ago because I wanted one I could wear and/or layer with other pieces in my wardrobe. I bought the first one I tried on in Target. It only took me several wears to realize that this was a big shopping mistake. First off, the shirt altogether was a bit too long on me which made it bunch up at the bottom when I walked or sat down. The sleeves were also too long so I could only wear it if the sleeves were rolled up. And lastly, the material was thin which caused it to wrinkle easily and loose shape when I tried layering it with other pieces. It was a literal fail; but I guess I kept holding on to it hoping that one day I’d try it on and it would magically be everything I hoped it to be. Instead I came to terms that is was a waste of my money but a good learning experience. This too is in the giveaway bag.


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Friday Finds #1: Stripes and Polka Dots

We’re dedicating Fridays to sharing some of our favorite finds with a round up of things we love! Some are things we just couldn’t live without and have already bought, while others are still on our wish list. We hope that we can send a little inspiration your way!
To kick-off our very first “Friday Finds”, we decided to do our favorite finds around the inspiration for our blog title…stripe and polka dots. Enjoy!

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Closet Office on a Budget

There is some thing about the new year (a clean slate) that is so motivating and empowering. It is a chance to do better; to be better. As you know, I’ve made some pretty hefty goals/resolutions this year, one being to uplift and inspire other women through blogging. I started this blog just over six months ago and while I had many aspirations for it, I quickly felt limited. Several months after I started blogging my husband started in on his doctorate degree and I got a job. Time started to become an issue, and I quickly realized that I had jumped into blogging without a clear vision and some of the tools necessary for success– one being an accessible computer. 
Well, my life circumstances haven’t changed much. I’m still working, my husband is still in school, and I’m still a mom. Time has not become any more available; however, I’ve realized that I can’t always wait for the perfect timing to pursue my dreams. The fact of the matter is that perfect timing does not exist. So, with that realization I chose to stop being a dreamer and start becoming a doer. I also got myself a computer. Technically, it is my husband’s computer (a graduation gift from his brothers). But since we bought my husband a laptop for school he finished building this one for me so I could blog. He also bought me a dress form for Christmas so I could started pursuing my dreams in fashion design and a inspiration notebook so I can keep track of all my ideas. He is honestly my biggest fan and supporter. 
The only thing left was to make a space where I could create, design, and be organized. Our spare bedroom is our guest bedroom/sewing room, with little to no room for a home office space. The solution to our problem: a closet office. That is right, we converted our closet into our home office. The best part about it was that it only cost us under $40!
cute closet office on a small budget

IKEA Desk: $20 (Craigslist)
Clipboards: $2 (thrifted, then painted)
Paper Trays: $3 (thrifted)
Desk Lamp: $4 (thrifted)
Black Storage Box: $2 (thrifted, band new)

sewing room

Everything else I already had on hand. Now all I need is an office chair. Any ideas? As you can also see, I’ve been fabric shopping. I’ve found some great pieces to start my first collection with!

And, if you’re not already completely overwhelmed with all the new and exciting things going on over here, I have a few more to add. First, is my new blog title and design. I’ve decided to changes things up because (get ready for my second surprise) I have added a new partner! For all my previous followers, you can rest assured that the Stripes and Polka Dots blog will produce some of the same great content as before but be twice a better! But for now, I’d like everyone to get to know my new teammate.

Hey; Hanna here! If you haven’t noticed yet from the pictures, I’m Sara’s twin sister. I’m also the wife of a traveling husband who travels weekly and all over the country for work, the mother of two sweet girls and a blogger. I’ve been blogging for about 4 years now, mostly posting family updates and happening, but I have also used blogging as a place to share all my projects, ideas and thoughts. Since Sara and I were always talking about our blogs and giving each other ideas we decided why not become blogging partners! As I start posting regularly, I hope that you will get to know me more and that I can help inspire and be inspired by everyone who is a part of the blogging world. To give you an idea of what you can expect from me check out some of my popular posts on my previous blog.

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A New Year Brings BIG Changes!

Happy New Year!
I don’t know if many of you have noticed, but I have been absent from blogging for about a month and a half. Don’t be too upset with me yet, because there is a reason– a good one at that! 
I started blogging last June, and while it has been rather hit and miss I have learned a lot. There has been much debating, rethinking, and uncertainties about it, especially since I started working away from home. I’ve really just got my toes wet, but with a new year upon us I feel ready to jump in head first. Oddly enough, it was the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon which inspired my new outlook on the matter. 
It was after Thanksgiving and the high of being at home and spending time with my family was beginning to wear off. Life was back to its usual routine. The sun was no where to be seen and it was literally freezing outside. What use to be (before having Addie) a very satisfying and rewarding job was now a mere means for income. I was a little depressed and feeling trapped. 
During Thanksgiving break we visited the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum, home of the “Spruce Goose”, one of the largest airplanes ever built made entirely out of wood. As I stood besides this massive airplane and thought about the kind of work that went into building such a thing I was completely awe-struck. There I was, a young women from a small town, living a completely sheltered life, and being so completely wrapped up in my own problems. In front of me stood this great symbol of American industry during the harsh times of WW2. It was something so much bigger than me, bigger than I could ever comprehend. It was as though I was realizing the big world I live in for the very first time.
Walking through the museum and experiencing the monumental history that surrounded me I wished I could be a part of it. Not for the recognition but for the sole purpose of impacting others and being a part of something that was much bigger than myself. The routine of life I had fallen into was not living at all, rather it was doing the things to get me through each day so it could start all over again the next day. Life was not meant to be stagnant. I could no longer settle on the fact that working at a job I no longer found as much satisfaction from was going to be my life until my husband finishes school (six years from now!). I suddenly felt empowered to take a chance, to pursue what I feel passionate about. I might fail, but I’ll never know until I try.
I don’t know what this new year will bring, but I am determined to never stop learning, to live life to its fullest, and to go after my dreams…succeed or fail. I love blogging so I’m going to blog, and I hope I can somehow make a small impact in doing so. The last month has been devoted to reevaluating, planning, and re-designing in order to make that dream become a reality. We will be launching our newly designed website exactly 1 week from today. That is right, I said “we“. I have partnered up with one of my most dearest friends in the world and I can’t wait for you to meet her. Please join us January 8th for the launch of the new Stripes and Polka Dots blog!

And for those of you who are wondering; no, I did not up and quite my job. Sure, it may not be my dream job any more, but we’re blessed to have it. Accomplishing a dream does not always happen overnight. It requires planning, hard-work, motivation, and doing the things that you don’t necessarily want to do to eventually get to where you want to be. That is where I’m at. 
Here is to a great year and another one to follow! See you next week!

Inspiration Monday: A Hint of Plum

Inspiration via Pinterest

Another weekend has come and gone. I can’t help but think that time is getting away from me these days. It seems like the older I get the more time seems to speed by! Anyway, to start off my weekend I came home from work Friday evening to a clean house, dinner in the oven and a babysitter lined up for date-night. Pretty amazing right?! After almost four years of marriage, I think my husband is starting to really understand my love language. Needless to say, it was just what I needed after a long week.

With Veteran’s Day now upon us there were some pretty amazing sales over the weekend so a friend and I went out to find ourselves some great deals. Really we just hit up JC Penny because I’m addicted to their clothes and prices. They were having their biggest sale ever (which I believe is running through today) with almost everything on sale plus an additional $10 off when you spent $25. My wardrobe is pretty much complete but I needed a few more items to finish it off for fall/winter. The plum colored opaque tights and gray sweater are among my most recent buys from JC Penny. And I’ve got to say, I’m loving them…especially with my new ankle boots that my amazing mother-in-laws spoiled me with when she was here a couple weeks ago!

Sweater: JC Penny
Colored Opaque Tights: JC Penny
Pencil Skirt: Gap Outlet (old)
Boots: Gift

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