Potty Training in 3 Days...Does it Work?

Potty Training in 3 days… Does it Work?

I know what you are all thinking, “Potty training? Are we really going there?” But after all this is a lifestyle blog, and my life for the past week and a half has been cleaning up pee, doing laundry, and acting overly enthusiastic when my daughter goes in the potty. And since everyone who is a parent, or is planning on becoming a parent, will have to go through this thrilling experience (if you have not already), I thought I’d give my two cents on the matter.

(Disclaimer: All thoughts and opinions about products mentioned in this post are my own. I am not receiving any payment or compensation to review the products mentioned, they are simply things that I like and have worked for me.)

Potty Training in 3 Days...Does it Work?

When we were first thinking about potty training, a friend told me of a program she used called “3 Day Potty Training“. Like anyone else, I was skeptical. Could a child really be completely potty trained in three days? The idea of potty training and everything that accompanies it caused me to continually find excuses to put it off… for three months! Finally, after coming back from vacation with no job and only two weeks before my husband had to go back to school I felt like it was now or never. But I knew if I was going to do it I wanted to have a game plan; I didn’t want to jump into potty training cold turkey. There was no going back for me once we decided to start. I knew we’d have more success if we established a method and knew before hand how we were going to handle certain situations. So, I did a little research and found myself reading up on the “3 Day Potty Training” method that my friend had suggested.

After reading through the “3 Day Potty Training” program, I was really intrigued by it’s concepts and felt empowered to start. This particular method focuses heavily on love, consistency, patience, and positive reinforcements throughout the potty training process. Since my daughter (and probably most other kids) responds best to love, patience, and positive reinforcements (a.k.a candy) I thought I’d give it a try. I had my husband look over it too before we started potty training so we’d be on the same page throughout the process.

Day #1. An important part of potty training in three days is that you give your child your complete attention during that time so you can watch for signs of your child having to go potty or catch them in an accident. So on day 1 I woke up early and got ready for the day and finished a few tasks before my daughter woke up. Once she woke up, we changed her diaper, put on her “big girl panties”, and got rid of the any diapers we had left. Part of the program right from the beginning is to throw away all diapers and pull-ups to remove any and all temptations to revert backwards. Repeatedly during the day we would say to my daughter, “Tell us when you have to go potty” and then every twenty minutes or so we would take her to the potty. My mother-in-law bought her a cute little princess potty chair that senses when a child goes potty and plays a celebratory song once they do.  When my daughter would go potty, the potty chair would play it’s song while my husband and I clapped and cheered with excitement. What 2 year old wouldn’t love that kind of attention? She thought it was the funnest thing and had no problem going every time we’d take her. Plus she got a little treat after as well…positive reinforcements! There were 3-4 accidents to clean up the first day, but overall it was pretty manageable… Day #2 however was different story.

Day #2. On the second day of potty training my daughter did not find going on the potty very amusing. In fact, she refused to go on it at all! There was one point in the day that she begged to go to time out rather then sit on the potty! In turn I started to loose my patience. While the program stresses not to get upset when your child has an accident and not to force your child on the potty, by mid-afternoon I  was like, “to hell with it!” I was mad. I had spent the better half of the day cleaning up messes and doing laundry- not to mention my house reeked of urine. When I wasn’t cleaning up messes, I was sitting in the bathroom trying to get my daughter to go potty. Finally towards the end of the second day, we coaxed her to go in the potty and we made sure to make a big deal about it. I guess she found it fun again because she went several more times before bed willingly.

Day #3. On the third day of potty training we had much less accidents than the previous days; only two. We would remind her to let us know if she had to go potty, and when we saw her dancing around or holding herself we would take her to the potty.

It has been a week and a half since we started potty training and each day has been much the same as the third. She does great during the day as long as we stay on top of taking her potty on a regular basis. She has not yet pooped in the potty and has wet the bed almost every night since the day we started even when following the program. Any and all suggestions in this area would be welcomed!

In conclusion, would I say my daughter is completely potty trained? No. Does she still have accidents? Uh, yah. Would I still recommend “3 Day Potty Training“? Absolutely! (Again I am not receiving any payment or compensation for reviewing and recommending this product) I did not go into this process with the illusion that my daughter would be perfectly potty trained in 3 days– she’s 2! Like learning any new skill, it takes time and lots of practice to get really good at it. While she still has accidents, I love the concepts this program is based upon. Then again every parent and child is different and therefore requires different needs. I’m not saying you have to use this program, but I do think it is a good idea to do some research and prepare yourself ahead of time for potty training.

Have a game plan so you and your child can be successful.

If you have a spouse or someone helping you potty train, make sure you’re both on the some page about how you’re going to handle certain situations.

And lastly, do what works for you!

When researching how to go about potty training my child I heard from lots of different mothers how they did it with their children. I’m not saying any one of them were wrong or right. When it comes right down to it you have to do what works best for you and your child. I’ll freely admit that while the method I used is against using pull-ups, if my daughter is still consistently having accidents at night in a month or two I may very well resort to pull-ups at night. I very much value my sleep, and not having a washer and dryer of my own I get tired of having to do laundry every day.

Also for those who are interested, below is the potty chair that we use. It is great because it is easy to clean, can be used as a step-stool, and plays celebratory songs! I got mine at Walmart.

potty chair

The Cake That Never Stops Pleasing: Chocolate Eclair Cake

This Chocolate Eclair cake never seems to fail me when I bring to it potlucks, parties or when we have friends over. It’s always the rave. I myself have been know to eat at least a fourth of the pan in one sitting. In fact when my husband and I were dating we made it for his family and he started serving everyone with these tiny pieces of cake. I shook my head in disapproval and said that this cake is meant for large servings. Needless to say, everyone had seconds. I think that’s when he learned that in my family we are serious about our desserts.

Chocolate Eclair Cake

For this particular time I made this cake for a potluck that we had with a couple families in our neighborhood this last weekend. The rainy weather we had all week cleared up for the evening for a fun dinner out doors. Since moving into our house last December we have made so many new friends in our neighborhood. It has been such a blessing for our family is so many ways especially since we’ve never seemed to feel quite at home anywhere else we’ve lived. Anyway, once again it was a crowd favorite so I thought I would share the recipe today!

To get started, line the bottom of a 9×13 pan with graham crackers.  You might need to use your puzzle skills to cover the entire bottom of the pan.

Chocolate Eclair Cake1

Next, in a mixing bowl mix together vanilla pudding, sour cream, cool whip and milk and pour over the graham crackers.

Chocolate Eclair Cake2

Top that pudding layer with another layer of graham crackers, trying to fill in all the gaps.

Chocolate Eclair Cake3

In a small sauce pan, mix together the cocoa, sugar and milk and bring to a boil. Boil for 1 minute then take the pan off the stove and mix in 3/4 stick of butter.

Chocolate Eclair Cake4

Finally poor the chocolate sauce over the top layer of graham crackers and refrigerate for 3-4 hours before serving.

Chocolate Eclair Cake5

Chocolate Eclair Cake
Recipe type: Dessert
What You'll Need
  • Pudding Filling
  • 1 large pkg. instant vanilla pudding
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • 1 small tub whipped topping (8 oz.)
  • 3 cups cold milk
  • Chocolate Sauce:
  • ⅓ cup cocoa
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ¼ milk
  • ¾ stick of butter
How To Make
  1. Line bottom of 9x13 dish with whole graham crackers. Pour pudding over crackers. Top with second layer of graham crackers. Make the chocolate sauce by mixing together cocoa, sugar and milk in a sauce pan. Bring to a boil and boil for one minute. Remove from heat. Stir in ¾ stick butter until melted. Pour over top layer of graham crackers. Chill 3-4 hours to soften crackers before serving.

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Lunch Notes | by Miss Mandee

Your Designs This Time – No. 24

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Holy Cow! Where did this summer go?! Now that most of the schools have started it seems like fall is well on it’s way which I am very excited for! I’m also very excited for the end of this week! Sara and I are having a girl’s weekend with our mom and sister-in-law before everyone gets busy with the new school year. With Eric being away for work the last 2 weeks I am very excited for this little break! So let’s get get started with the week and hope that the weekend comes fast!

Once again we’re starting it off with Your Designs This Time. For those of you who are newly joining us this week or are coming back again; welcome to our linky party! We can’t wait to see what you have to share and hope we can make some new friends in the process! Before you start make sure to check out what we, along with the other hosts, have been up to!

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We’d love for you to follow your hosts is some way!

Stripes and Polka Dotsydtt collage week8-25 Continue reading “Your Designs This Time – No. 24”

Custom Portraits

Friday Finds #18: Unique and Thoughtful Gift Ideas

Since we’re on the topic of weddings and baby showers this week, we thought we’d put together a little guide of some unique and thoughtful gift ideas for either a wedding or baby shower. I think the biggest misconception about giving a personalized gift is that it takes a lot of thought and time. While some of these gift ideas do require some planning ahead of time, they are easy to put together, they are unique, and they will most certainly be loved!

Wedding Gift Ideas

Custom Portraits Custom Portraits via The Homesteady 

The Homemaker's Wedding Gift BasketHomemaker’s Gift Basket via Natalie Creates

Wedding Ring Holder FrameCustom Ring Holder Frames via The Papery Nook 

Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Growth Chart VintageDIY Growth Chart via Thistlewood Farms

Mom's One Line a DayMom’s One Line A Day Book via The Paper Source

bath caddy for baby ♥ raising up rubies & free pretty things

Baby Bath Caddy via Raising Up Rubies

Hope you’ve all been inspired! If you have, or have posted about other great gift ideas please share them with us in the comments section below!

If you missed our Custom Cookie Kit Wedding Gift, check it out {HERE}… another awesome gift idea!

Or, if you haven’t seen the photos from the adorable nautical themed baby shower that Hanna hosted, be sure to check it out {HERE}

As for those who are wondering how I survived potty training my 2 year old this week, I’m going to share all about it next week!

Happy Weekend!!

Linked to: http://www.justusfourblog.com/2014/08/show-projects-link-party/#more-8551http://www.prototypemama.com/thats-fresh-friday-39, http://www.theboldabode.com/2014/08/creativity-unleashed-week-34.html

Nautical Baby Shower

This last weekend I threw a baby shower for a close friend of mine. To show how lame shy I am she is one of the few close friends I made in college that I stay in touch with since leaving. Quality over quantity right? We both had our oldest girls around the same time and now she is having her second which turns out to be a boy! Having two girls and two nieces and having friends that mostly have girls I’m use to the color’s pink and purple with ruffles and bows; basically ALL things girly. This shower was so fun to be able to do something new that was still super cute and that didn’t involve any of those “girly” things.

My inspiration came from these invitations Sara and I found at Goodwill almost a year ago. Neither of us had any reason to use them but they were just so darn cute to not buy! I think I’m converted to pre-made invitations since I’ve always made my own. For the actual shower I just continued with the nautical theme and colors from the invites in the decorations and food.

Nautical Baby Shower Invitations

The day of the shower turned out perfectly! It was a small affair which I loved and it allowed me to focus more on details since there were so few of us and it felt more relaxed.

Nautical Baby Shower Message in a Bottle Nautical Baby Shower banner

The shower was in the morning so I did more brunch type foods, mini pancake stackers, mini quiche, a fruit salad and then of course some sweet things.

Nautical Baby Shower Food Nautical Baby Shower decor Nautical Baby Shower brunch Nautical Baby Shower sweet table

Can we stop and just take in the beauty of this cake?! I’m so happy with it and I didn’t even make it! Perhaps that’s why I like it so much. I’ll let you in on a little secret about me, I’m TERRIBLE at baking cakes. I’ve never had a good experience when making one. So for this shower I knew right away I wasn’t even going to attempt! Luckily I found someone in my neighborhood that does cakes out of her home. In my desperation all I wanted was something that looked cute but turns out she can make an amazing cake that not only looks great but tastes divine! This is a cake I’m going to crave and will pay money again just to eat it.

Nautical Baby Shower cake Nautical Baby Shower cake2 Nautical Baby Shower Party Favors Nautical Baby Shower

Now if only that little guy could come so I can hold him! I may have a weakness for newborns.

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Share your Beautiful Creations – From Dream To Reality #131



Cookie Kit Wedding Gift

Creating a Personalized Wedding Gift

I survived day 1 of potty training! Granted I had my husband helping me, but for me this is a big deal! For those of you who are just tuning in, I started potty training my 2 year old yesterday. I’ve been putting it off for months and finally decided to just do it. At this point in  the training it is going smoother than I previously imagined, but I realize it is still early in the process.

The hardest part about this whole process is coming to terms with the fact that my baby is no longer a baby– she’s a “big girl” now (as we’ve reminded her about a million times since starting potty training). Each milestone in my daughter’s life has been exciting, yet frightening as I wonder where the time has gone. People weren’t kidding when they say kids “grow up too fast”.

Cookie Kit Wedding Gift

Moving on from my mommy saga; my friend is getting married! I just love weddings! It’s such a happy and exciting time! But with weddings, always comes a certain dilemma; what to give as a wedding present? Personally I’m not a “grab a card and throw in some money” kind of girl. If you are that kind of present giver, personally (as a receiver) I love those gifts, but I also love something that has a little thought and time put into it as well.

Cookie Kit Wedding Gift
Cookie Kit Wedding Gift

Creating a gift basket is a great way to personalize a wedding gift while keeping it fun and purposeful at the same time. Here I’ve made a couple’s cookie kit complete with personalized “Mr.” and “Mrs” mugs, a personalized cookie recipe plate, homemade coasters, and some useful baking supplies. You can easily customize this gift for any couple by using their favorite cookie/dessert recipe. The possibilities really are endless!

Cookie Kit Wedding Gift

Cookie Kit Wedding Gift

Linked to: http://www.mygirlishwhims.com/2014/08/your-whims-wednesday-176-and-features.htmlhttp://www.lambertslately.com/2014/08/create-it-thursday-68-plus-features.html#morehttp://www.vmg206.com/2014/08/brag-about-it-vmg206.html

Your Designs This Time – No. 23

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Happy Monday everyone! Lets celebrate with another awesome linky party! I honestly can’t tell you how much we love seeing all the wonderful projects and ideas that get linked up each week! You guys are awesome! As for us, it’s been work, work, work around here lately with our shop opening up last week! And the work continues as I’m am starting potty training with my 2 year old today… only this kind of work is not as fun. Any encouraging words or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Enjoy this week’s party!

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The Features

Can we just talk about Heather’s CHALK painted floor for a minute??? Seriously. The time and detail it took to make this concrete floor look like this is incredible!

chalk painted floors

And honestly, I’m just loving that Adrienne shared her real life mess with us before her reveal…(and it STILL looks beautiful!)!


How cool is this geometric heart pillow that Corinna made?


Oh, Miss Mandee’s pretty paper lanterns are so easy and fresh and can dress up any space!

Paper Lanterns (Picture)-01

Finally, Jamie’s tips on how to decorate using frames had us completely smitten. Empty frames are everywhere but sometimes can be a struggle to style! Be sure to check out all of Jamie’s examples!

decorating with frames

If you were featured, be sure to grab a button, and thank you for sharing your projects! It’s always so hard to choose because SO many projects are fabulous!

Continue reading “Your Designs This Time – No. 23”