Category: inspiration Monday

Inspiration Monday: When at First You Don’t Succeed…Try Again

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all having a great Labor Day Monday! It is an exciting day for us as it is my husband’s first day of his PsyD program and the start to the next four years of our lives. The last two weeks of us being here has finally lead up to this moment; however, we have allowed ourselves some fun before the real work began.
Over the weekend me and my little family rode the tracks into Portland and spent the day sight-seeing and roaming around. We first hit up Powell’s City of Books, a giant book store that fills a whole city block with over a million books. I could have spent all day in there alone, but after a couple hours we decided to move along. By this time it was lunch, so we walked over to the food chart vendors and got something to eat. I told my husband to surprise me with something while I fed Addie her lunch, so I don’t know exactly what is was that I ate but it was delicious! After lunch we continued to walk to streets of Portland and experience all it had to offer in the short span of a day. Portland is a beautiful, lively city and I can’t wait to go back. 
The rest of my weekend was spent sewing. While sewing is usually a pleasurable hobby for me, this was certainly not one of those times. I love experimenting with new fabrics and am always on the look out for inspiration when it come to designing new pieces. Recently I happened upon these two shirts on Pinterest and ever since I’ve been anxious to incorporate leather sleeves into one of my designs. With some bird silhouette fabric I’ve been waiting to use, I decided to give it a try. 
With none of the local fabric stores having the right weight of faux leather I was looking for, I ended up settling on some that was slightly heavier weight…problem #1. Problem #2 surfaced when I began sewing on my new serger. Since I started sewing more seriously I’ve been using my mother’s serger, and while it may be old it is a simple and quality piece of equipment. But with the move, I decided it was time to get my own machine. Trying to learn this new piece of equipment has been an absolute nightmare, not to mention it completely mauled my sewing project. Realizing that this project just wouldn’t work with the materials I had, I decided to take a new approach. 
After studying up some more on my serger and with a bit more practice, I was a able to piece together a simple tee with the left over bird silhouette fabric. With the scrap of faux leather, I attached a peter pan collar to give the shirt some flair. What started out has a disastrous project, although well inspired, turned out to be a fabulous save! 

Bare with me as I am also still trying to learn my new camera…or I should say my husband is. I coaxed him into coming to the park with me so he could take pictures. What can I say, he loves me 🙂

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Inspiration Monday: White + Cream

Today was day 1 of packing for our big move! It has been a rather late start considering we move in less than 2 days, so things have been a little crazy over here to say the least. We are moving to Oregon for my husband’s graduate school program and couldn’t be any more excited! While the trill of experiencing a new place is exciting, we are sad to be moving so far away from family. We will sure miss living so close to family but look forward to their visits! 
The coming weeks are bound to only get more crazy so please bear with me. Even though I’ll be out for a couple of weeks, I have several great posts, and even possibly a guest post, lined up so be sure to keep coming back! I will be sure to post an update once we are all settled in our new place. 
However, I couldn’t leave without a little Monday inspiration. When I first saw this outfit inspiration my first thought was, “You can do that?!” It had never accured to me to pair white and cream together, but I absolutely love this look. Since Inspiration Monday is all about trying new things that normally wouldn’t have on my own, I thought I’d give this color combination a try. And I must say, this in one of my favorite new looks! 
Inspiration from Pinterest

Inspiration Monday: Concert Tee, Maxi Skirt, and Army Jacket

My husband and I celebrated our birthdays last week in Las Vegas. It was hot, busy and a ton of fun! We stayed right on the strip in the Treasure Island Hotel, had an lavish Italian dinner, toured the strip, and even fit in a little bit of shopping. However, our main reason for going to Vegas was to attend a long awaited concert. While I would never call myself a musician, music has always had a special place in my heart. It moves me in ways that words simply cannot. So for my birthday my husband got me tickets to a Goo Goo Dolls concert along with their new album Magnetic. Many people may not know this about me, but I LOVE the Goo Goo Dolls and seeing them in concert has been on my bucket list for some time now. The concert was amazing and I even got myself a souvenir t-shirt that I incorporated in this inspired outfit. My inspiration came from “The Stylish Geek” blog. I just love this comfortable and relaxed look, perfect for traveling, running errands, and taking care of kids– all a big aspect of my life.
I paired this graphic concert tee with this burnt orange maxi skirt– another one of my creations. Unlike the leopard print pencil skirt, this maxi skirt is incredibly easy to make and so comfortable to wear. To make this fabulous maxi skirt for yourself, visit Elle Apparel where I found this tutorial
Top: Concert Vendor
Army Jacket: JC Penny, similar
Skirt: made by me (tutorial HERE)
Leopard Print Flats: Target
Necklace: gift
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Inspiration Monday: The Jean Vest

Several weeks ago I took my first overnight trip without my baby. From the time she was born she would never take a bottle so that made it difficult for me to be away for very long. However, with her being over a year old and becoming less and less interested with breastfeeding I thought it would be the perfect time for me to take a weekend for myself and ween her completely. 
I visited my sister in Utah and a trip to my sister’s house never goes by without doing a little shopping– sometimes a lot of shopping. In any case, during our little shopping excursion I found this jean vest that I just could not pass up. It is so versatile and great layering piece for summer. 
This leopard print skirt is one that I drafted and made last summer. I found the fabric on the clearance shelf  at Joann’s for only $4 and knew I had to have it. This project was one of the most extensive sewing projects I’ve ever done, but I absolutely love how it turned out. The skirt is fulled lined and includes an invisible zipper and back vent.

I got my inspiration for this outfit from the Allen and Company Blog (also formally know as “The Dime Dairy”). I love the casual yet fierce look of the leopard print skirt paired with the jean vest.

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Style Elixir


Inspiration Monday: When Your Mother Says She’s Fat

By now I’m sure you all have seen this article that has been circling the internet titled, “When your Mother Says She’s Fat” written by Kasey Edwards– if you haven’t I strongly recommend you read it! I read it several weeks ago and it’s words have inspired and haunted me ever since.

Several days after reading the article, after having just finished getting ready for the day, I found myself staring into the mirror with a look of disapproval and low self-esteem. Knowing I did not have time to change or devote any more time to such a trifling matter I left my sad looking self in the mirror to get Addie out of bed. While still deep inside my head, dwelling on all of my little imperfections, I felt a little hand stroking my dress. As I looked down at my sweet little girl, she smiled at me as if to say, “Mom, you  look beautiful!”.  I thought back to the article when the author had hear her mother call herself “fat, ugly, and horrible” and how it completely changed her views of her mother and herself.

Growing up I struggled with my body image. While almost all of it was built up in my head, all I could ever see when I looked in the mirror was how “fat” I was and all my flaws and imperfections. As I’ve grown older, and become more comfortable in my skin and with who I am, I have gained a greater confidence and learned to be more accepting of myself but it is still something I battle with almost on a daily basis. After having a daughter of my own, I’ve realized that my negative body issues are not just about me anymore. If I want to raise a strong confident daughter, I have to be a strong confident mother.

What if one day my little girl tells me I look beautiful and I respond by tell her that what she thinks is beautiful is actually fat and ugly? Would that change the way she viewed her own body? Would that lead to her having a negative body image of herself? After reading this article, it is clear that the answer to these questions are YES!

I’m human, I’m not perfect and I make mistakes but I hope to raise my children to be health, happy, and confident in the fact that their body’s are perfect and beautiful. If we want to raise more confident children, we cannot leave it up to the world to teach them what beauty and happiness is. It is in the home, through our examples that I believe confidence and positive self-esteem can be accomplished.

Inspiration Monday: Mixed Berry

Inspiration from Chictopia

“Inspiration Monday” is a weekly series about things that inspire me.

This week my inspiration stemmed from desperately needing more color in my life. When shopping you can pretty much count on me to pick out the most boring color I can find. Especially when an item I like comes in more than two colors I immediately become overwhelmed. After a good half an hour of debating which color to buy I some how end up with something either white, black, brown, or navy. You can’t go wrong with neutrals right?  WRONG!

With the bright and colorful spring/summer trends rolling in, my neutral wardrobe was just not cutting it for me anymore. Slowly over the last couple of months I have been introducing more color into my wardrobe and honestly, it feels so refreshing! Not only have I been trying to branch out with buying colors I normally wouldn’t purchase, but I’ve been experimenting with mixing different color combinations. This bold red and magenta inspired outfit has become one of my new favorite color combinations!

In addition, I would also like to take a quick moment to thank these two lovely women in my life (my mother-in-law Debbie and my sister Hanna) for first inspiring me to start this blog and make my dreams a reality!

I’d love to hear from all of you so send me a message or leave a comment sharing some things that have inspired you recently! Hope you all have a great Monday!

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