Category: inspiration

Floral Stamped T-Shirt Refashion {Using Celery}

Big floral prints are all the rage in fashion right now and I’m all for jumping on the that band wagon. It’s bold, classic, and feminine… everything I like when it comes to my wardrobe. And, for all you “DIY-ers” out there I’ve discovered a way for you to create this bold fashion statement yourself. The answer: celery. I know it sound weird, even my husband gave me the “you’re crazy” look when I told him I wanted to buy celery for a t-shirt refashion. But the results were fabulous, and the steps to re-create this look are so simple!
1. Cut top off of celery.

2. Dip in paint. I recommend using fabric paint; however, you can also mix a textile medium with acrylic paint to make your own. 

3. Stamp on fabric. Be sure to place a piece of cardboard inside your shirt  before you begin stamping so the paint does not bleed to the other side.

shirt: refashioned // skirt: Gap (old) // vest: JC Penny // shoes: Famous Footware // earrings: Kohl’s
Below are some of my sources of inspiration. If you can’t tell, I’m kind of into the color blue right now.


Find Finds #14: Red, White, and Blue

July is an exciting month for us (my husband too). It’s our birthday month and there will be non-stop partying! First party… Independence Day! Our family leaves for our road trip on Wednesday just in time to being in Utah for the 4th of July!
Summer Outfit Inspiration  |  by Merrick’s Art
Red, White, and Blue Ice Pops  |  by M. Kat Safar
4th of July Ombre Wreath  |  by Tell Love and Chocolate
American Flag Mason Jars  |  by Maison de Pax
Stars and Stripes Forever Decor  |  by The Diary of Daves Wife
Patriotic Streamers  |  by Dana Made It
Fair-Style Berry Cones  |  by Better Homes and Gardens
Red, White, and Blue Flower Pots  |  by Better Homes and Gardens

Friday Finds #12: Summer Essentials

Happy Friday everyone! Wow, I barely know where this week went! When I haven’t been working or taking care of family business I’ve been sewing away on my sewing machine. As for a little update on the Colorblock Party Skirts that will be coming to our shop this summer, I have receive all my fabric and have my first skirt completed! Samples of all the color options will be completed by the end of next week, I have a photo shoot scheduled after that, and you’re looking at a possible sneak peak by the end of the month! Things are really moving around here!

Image Map
[ click on the individual images to find the source, or click the links below ]
As for other news, I handed in my notice at my day job this week. It’s been something me and my husband have been contemplating and praying about for the last month and we finally decided to take the plunge. I’m not 100% sure what the future will hold, but I believe God has a plan of us and so far He hasn’t steered us wrong. I’m a little nervous and yet way excited at the same time! Even more exciting, we’re taking the month of July to road-trip and visit all of our family and friends. Summer vacation…here we come!
So with school almost out and summer vacations on the verge, we decided to put together a list of all our favorite summer essentials:
1.  A pair of shades. Being daughters of an optometrist, we both value the importance of UV protection…and designer sunglasses.
2.  Sunless tanner or sunscreen. If you work indoors or you live in Oregon where it rains all the time, sunless tanner with become your best friend! If you happen to get outdoors more and live in a warmer climate go with the sunscreen…or both.
3.  A beachy, flowy top. Nothing screams summer to me then a relaxed fitting top that I can throw on with a pair of jean or some shorts. It’s comfortable, cute, and breezy!
4.  A summer dress.  A good dress for summer that you can either dress up or dress down is a must.
5.  A good read. We both happen to love reading and there is nothing quite better then finding a nice patch of shade or a spot by the pool and reading a good book. With all the driving we will be doing this summer, I will definitely have a couple of good books packed.
6.  Sandals/Wedges. I have a confession to make… I’m addicted to wedges! I don’t know what it is about them but I do– I love them! These Dr. Scholls wedges have been my favorite because I feel like I could where them all day.
7. A tote bag.  Being a mom I always think a big tote bag is a necessity, but they are especially great for summer day trips to the park, the beach, the zoo, etc.
8. Colored shorts. Personally I prefer the bermuda length shorts, but adding a colorful pair of shorts to your wardrobe is a fun way to brighten things up for summer.
Have a wonderful summer, and we hope you’ll keep in touch! As I’ve said before, we have a lot coming up this on the blog (including a birthday) and you won’t want to miss it!
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Sew Inspired: Sewing Room Update

As you may have gathered from my previous posts, I’ve been doing a lot of sewing lately. In fact, almost all of my spare time in the last couple of weeks has been spent in my sewing room. And it is my philosophy that when you spend a lot of time in a certain space it should be one that inspires and one that you love. 
 I will admit that my sewing room never looks quite this clean and organized when I’m actually working on a sewing project, but it is a space that I enjoy being in. While it is nothing grand, I believe a home is what you make it. Sure, I’d love a big sewing room filled with lots of light, a big cutting table, and lots of shelving to store my fabric and crafts; but the truth of the matter is this is what I have the means for right now and that’s ok… I still love it! I’m sure many of you are in the same boat where you’re still in school or just starting out and I’m here to tell you that you don’t need a lot of money or space to make something beautiful and functional. 
The only items that I actually purchased for this space were the “S-E-W” letters, the pegboard hooks, the watercolor floral photo, and the table (a past purchase from craigslist for $10); everything else I already had. The pegboard, the wooden letters, and the photo frame I brighten up with some paint I had left over from other projects. I’ve been going a little crazy with my silver metallic spray paint. The diy aluminum/silver metal look has started to become a theme throughout my house (see more of my projects: DIY Silver Lamps | Faux Stainless Steal Dressers).

As for the gorgeous skirt, it’s a little sneak peak of what you’re going to see in our shop that is opening up this summer! 
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Anthropologie Inspired Tote + Tutorial

If you caught our Friday Find’s: Summer Essentials post last week you may remember seeing this adorable beachy tote bag from Anthropologie. And as most of you know, when I see something I love but don’t have the money for… I make it. It was literally a fourth of the price to make and I was able to whip in up in less than an hour (for less experienced sewers, this project can easily be done in two hours max)!
To make this yourself, all you need is:
–  1 yard of upholstery fabric
 –  1 yard of a lightweight cotton fabric
–  3-4 yards of webbing for the straps
–  coordinating thread
–  a sewing machine
Happy sewing!
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5 Tips to Stress-Free Family Pictures

I don’t know if you’ve noticed but regular family pictures have become a very popular thing. I can count on one hand how many times my family got pictures taken growing up. Now it seems like family pictures are a yearly event trend. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of having cute, regular family pictures just as much as the next gal but it can sometimes be an event that comes close to giving me an ulcer! From finding the right photographer that is affordable; figuring out what everyone will wear; convincing my husband that family pictures are as necessary as I think they are; to stressing over if my kids will be good so it’s not a waste of time and money– in the end it has left me most often dreading family pictures.
With some experience being both behind the camera taking the pictures and in front having my picture taken, I’ve learned a few tips that will make the process easier and more stress free while getting the most for your money.
1. Find a photographer that fits your style and charges a price that you are comfortable paying. If you look hard enough there is a photography out there that will fit within just about any price range. However, most often the more a photographer charges the better the quality you will get. If you’re wanting to get pictures done regularly maybe choose a more experienced photographer every couple of years and do cheaper/ less experienced photographers in between. (For example, this photo shoot of Sara’s family I did while I was in Oregon since I am be NO means a real photographer!) Also, I have learned that each photographer has their own style of taking and editing pictures. This will make a huge difference on whether you like your pictures or not so make sure you choose one you like.
2. Decide what’s going to look the best in your house. I often look to the color scheme and style of my house to draw inspiration for pictures and what we will wear. By doing this you can be assured that your family pictures will work great hanging up in your house.
3. If mamma’s happy everyone is happy! I read somewhere that the mother should dress herself first in something she loves and then dress everyone else to match. I couldn’t agree more! Let’s be honest, we’re the most self-conscious when it comes to having our pictures taken so if we’re wearing something we feel awesome in we’ll be happy and so will the rest of the family. 
4. Don’t stress your kids out by threatening them if they don’t smile. I once took pictures for a family where the mother was threatening her kids the whole time that they wouldn’t get ice cream after the shoot if they didn’t smile. I think this just stressed the kids out more. Treat pictures like a family outing. Perhaps even go early to the location to give the kids time to explore, have fun and get their wiggles out.
5. Have a game plan of how you are going to use your new family pictures. Don’t let the money you spend on getting your family pictures taken go to waste by letting them sit on your computer. Having an idea of what poses you want and where you will be hanging them will allow you to have an idea of what you want to get out of your photo session. For example, I prefer a traditional close up shot of the family to hang in a big frame in my living room.
*For those of you who are really confused. While you get to enjoy picture’s of Sara’s adorable family, it’s actually me, Hanna, writing the post. As for a little back story behind these photos Sara was brave enough to have me take some family pictures for her while I was out in Oregon last weekend. I haven’t done something like this for a while and again I am NO pro-photographer! We decided to drive around to find some open fields for pictures. Long story short, after tramping around in the fields for a few pictures Sara’s husband ended up having a major allergic reaction to it all (the fields, not the family photos) and ended up with red swollen eyes and legs deeming the end of family pictures. Luckily we were able to get some good shots before the outbreak… What men do to please their wife’s!

Card Group

Welcome to a little something we like to call “card group”! It’s a novel idea that allows you to build up a collection of adorable handmade cards, and is another excuse to get together with all your girl pals once a month. Let me explain…
First you need to get a group of friends or family to participate. Currently it is just Hanna, our mom, our sister-in-law and I who make up our card group. During each month you’ll make one of the same card for each member of the group including yourself. Then once a month plan a date when everyone in your group can get together to exchange cards. Each person in the group will then get one card  from each member. Since everyone in my card group now lives in a different state, we either mail them to each other or stock pile them until we see each other next– however you want to do it. 
The cards can be as simple or as intricate as you’d like them to be. Personally, I like simple (as you probably already knew from the other crafts and projects I’ve posted previously on the blog). If you don’t think of yourself as a crafty person, don’t count yourself out of card group quite yet. Sometimes I’ll come up with a grand idea for a card, but the majority of the time I find my inspiration from Pinterest or card magazines, as can you. There are tons of great ideas out there to get your crafty wheels turning if you need a little inspiration!
I love the collection of handmade cards I’ve built over the years. It has been a great resource when I need a quick card for a birthday party, baby shower, wedding, etc. Plus I love the personal touch a homemade card gives. 
All-in-all card group is a win win, not to mention it is so fun! I highly recommend giving it a try! 
As for Hanna and I, we’re headed off to southern California tomorrow for a girls’ weekend WITHOUT kids! I literally haven’t had one of those for almost a year now; needless to say I’m pretty darn excited. It’s always a blast when Hanna and I get together! We have plans to hit up the famous fabric district, do plenty of shopping, and even have a blog planning dinner date. Full trip review to come!

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