Category: kids

Easy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously Paired

Easy Fur Vest Refashion


Easy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously Paired
Easy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously PairedEasy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously PairedEasy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously PairedEasy Fur vest refashion | by Preciously Paired

Maybe you’ve noticed, I’m kind of obsessed with fur vests. I’ve been searching high and low for a cute fur vest for Addie, but any thing I saw was $20 or more. Quite honestly I think $20 is a fairly decent price for a trendy article of clothing, but being on a strict budget it was definitely out of the question. Even to make one from scratch seemed to be rather spendy. Luckily Goodwill pulled through for me again, and I was able  to find this sweater for only $4! It was a complete steal as it was in great condition and fully lined with fur. Really all I did was detached the fur inside from the sweater and add some lining to the wrong side of the fur. I used a silky smooth lining from an old skirt I had tucked away in my fabric stash…talk about thrifty! Now I just have to find one for me!

And can I just say how extremely difficult it is to photograph a 2 year old! I still have no idea how to work my DSLR camera and chasing around my daughter, baiting her to simply look at me, I probably looked like a crazy woman! It makes me chuckle just thinking about the onlookers passing by witnessing  the whole fiasco. Next time I’ll gladly pay someone to do this kind of dirty work! Nonetheless, Hanna was able to work her magic to make my novice photography skill look it’s best.

Back to School Clothes Shopping Printable and Tips

Getting ready for the kids to go back to school is an exciting and crazy time! As mothers, we are inwardly looking forward to at the very least a couple hours a day that are kid free, or short a few kids to lessen the chaos. On the other hand it’s quite the chore to round up all the supplies the kids need, make sign-up deadlines, get back into a fixed schedule and do everything else that comes along with school starting. However, today Sara and I are teaming up with 14 other bloggers to bring you some great Back to School projects to help you get ready for the new school year and make your life a little easier!

1. Elizabeth Joan Designs 2. Making It In The Mountains 3. Stripes and Polka Dots
4. For My Love Of 5. Home. Made. Interest. 6. Restless Arrow
7. Little Red Brick House 8. Little House Of Four 9. Cuddles and Chaos
10. Our House Now A Home 11. Kent Heartstrings 12. The DIY Mommy
13. Curly Crafty Mom 14. Houseologie 15. Canary Street Crafts

Today I’m sharing a FREE printable and tips for back to school clothes shopping that will hopefully make it more fun and meaningful, by getting the kids involved, as well as making that “to-do” list to get ready for school less stressful!

Back to School Clothes Shopping check list

This idea originated from my own childhood memories. Growing up in a small town we would have to travel into the city (4 hours away) to do a lot of our shopping. So every summer before school started we would take a “school shopping” trip and make a weekend out of it. Some of my favorite memories are when my mom would take Sara and I in by ourselves and we would have a girl’s weekend shopping for clothes, going to movies and out to dinner. Reading this I’m sure some of you are getting more stressed out thinking about adding more to your plate and subtracting even more out of your bank accounts to do a whole shop and play weekend, but really something similar can be done on just about any budget and with any schedule. I’ll show you how!

TIP 1: When thinking about school clothes, here are the two things I go by: first, make sure each child has at least 5 complete outfits, one for each day of the school week. This is also a good time to get some new shoes, underwear, church clothes and a jacket/coat. Second, save the nice new clothes you buy for just the school week and let the kids wear their old clothes on the weekends when they will probably tend to be a little harder on clothes.

TIP 2: Before you do any shopping go through your kids things and decide what still fits and what will work for the coming school year. If you’re like me and have young kids chances are you won’t find too much as they’ve either grown out of everything or most clothes are worn out from all the summer playing.

TIP 3: Now that you know what you need, make a budget for how much you want to spend on school clothes. You’ll be surprised at how this can fit just about any budget depending on where you shop. If you live in, or near, a city you will be able to shop the sales and use coupons. You can also check out our post on “How to Save Big on Kids Clothes”.

TIP 4: Although it’s not necessary to go all out when school shopping it’s a great time to make it a fun date with you’r child, make it about them and make some memories. One way is to use the free printable checklist I created that you can download below. This will allow kids who can’t read yet to see what they need and then get to color in or mark off items as they get them. This is much better then having you’re kids laying bored on the ground or wondering around the store as you search through clothes that will work.


school clothes shopping date2

Over the weekend I took my daughter on a mommy-daughter date clothes shopping. She’s had a growing spurt this summer so pretty much everything is too short. I gave her her checklist and let her help me pick out clothes for her. After we were done at a store she colored in each item we got. Once we were done shopping we got some ice cream for a job well done! I’m looking forward to making more memories with my girls and this being an every year tradition!

school clothes shopping date

What are some tips or traditions you have when shopping for school clothes?


My Struggle With Patience

I’d like to think this blog is a place where I can share my latest projects, but also a place to get a little more personal. The blogs I seem to follow the most are the one’s where I feel like there is actually a human being behind the writing with a real life and stories that I can relate to.
So today I want to share a weakness that I have that I’m sure a lot of you out there face and that is patience. I’ve never been one for having a lot of patience and since becoming a mother it’s been a struggle I seem to face daily when taking care of my children. As much as I’d like to appear like the perfect mother to everyone outside of my home, I’m not. I loose my patience sometimes and a lot depending on the week; sometimes over things that really don’t matter.
For example, last week Eric was out of town for work and I had two cranky girls who seemed to be crying and whining at me all week. My 3 year old was having a hard time listening and obeying and my 1 year old needed to be held constantly or else an hour long tantrum would begin. By the third day of this my patience was literally on egg shells waiting for one of the girls to do something before I exploded on a yelling rampage. It didn’t take long until that happened. Once again I was that mom that I kept telling myself I would never be…that mom that ends up loosing my cool and yelling at my kids instead of trying to talk to and understand them. The worst part is that after all this instead of calming down I became mad at myself for not handling the situation well and continued to be impatient and ended up yelling more.
After episodes like that I feel like the worst mother and wonder if one day my kids will resent me for it. Even worse I can see that they sometimes struggle with the similar things and I wonder how I will teach them to deal with it when sometimes I can’t. Needless to say I am grateful for this time when my girls are quick to forgive as I try to figure out how to let certain things go and see each situation in the way their growing, young minds see it.
In my “quest” to try to have more patience with my children I have come to focus on three things.
1. Don’t be so focused on time and how long it takes for things to get done. Sometimes it frustrates me how long it takes Mia to do things after asking her repeatedly to do something especially when I am in a hurry. I’m learning to slow down and just plan for extra time so we can all be calm.
2. Let some things go and just enjoy the moment. I’m a little bit of a clean freak sometimes and I have two girls that LOVE dirt and messes. Since becoming a mom I’ve really had to work at just forgetting about the mess being made and letting my kids be kids while they enjoy the fun they are having and cleaning up the mess later.
3. Remember they are only children! You would think this would be an easy thing to remember but sometimes I find myself having expectations for how my girls should act being at an adult level when clearly they are not. I have to remind myself that they are still learning and trying to understand how to process feelings and thoughts. When I remember this it makes a world of difference.
So there you have it; my struggle with patience. I know I’m not alone in this struggle of having patience with my children. Some it takes a lot longer to break but I’m sure at one point or another we’ve all handled a situation with our kids in a way we aren’t proud of. So I basically wanted to let you know you’re definitely not alone and we’re all struggling every day to be the best mothers we can for those kids we still seem to love to pieces no matter what they do.

~ Hanna

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DIY Magnetic Paper Dolls

My daughter, Mia is a total girly girl. She loves all things princess and dress up. Awhile back we were going on a long trip and I was looking for some cheap ideas and toys that would keep her entertained in the car when I got the idea to make these magnetic paper dolls. So for those of you with summer trips coming up now that school is almost out this is a great project to do for your little ones to entertain them in the car. 
The supplies for this quick project are pretty straight forward. For the magnet sheets I would recommend getting the Staples white magnetic sheets over the Avery brand. I feel like whatever you print on the Staples sheets hold up a lot better and are stronger magnets. This is pretty much the only thing you’ll have to buy and for a pack of 4 magnet sheets it’s around $10 but I only needed 2 sheets for this set so it only cost me about $5.
 photo nativity3.jpg
The next step is to find some printable paper dolls. At the time I made this Mia was on a “Frog Princess” kick meaning we’d watch that movie at least 2-3 a week. So I went with a Frog Princess themed magnetic storyboard and paper dolls. I was able to find a set of printable paper dolls online and then just looked for a few more of the characters, accessories and a background through just searching in Google images. The amazing thing is that there are printable paper dolls for just about any of the Disney movies online if you look around. I found a lot of them on THIS website and for all those “Frozen” lovers there are some and many more you can download by Cory Jensen on his Facebook page HERE.

After downloading the paper dolls I wanted I used Photoshop to get everything to fit on the 2 sheets. Once that was done I just printed it off onto the magnet sheets and cut them out. For the background I printed the one I found online out on card stock and mod-podged that to a cookie sheet making it easy for Mia to play with this in the car.
Mia couldn’t wait to get her hands on this as I was making it and when I finally got it all finished she was set for a good hour of entertainment in the car and of course this followed with having to watch the movie.
Since this set I have made 3 others when she needed something new to play with. Also, we now have a “Little Mermaid” magnetic paper doll set on our fridge which Mia loves to play with while I make dinner.

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Confetti Dots Birthday Party

There is NO shortage of cute parties that can be found scowering Pinterest so naturally I was having no problem finding ideas while planing one for my girl’s birthdays. However, when push came to shove I just couldn’t find something that was going to be easy, flexible and not over the top; meaning in money and time. Also since the girls are still so young I wanted to have a party for family and close friends to come celebrate with us so like Sara’s it needed to work for all ages.
My inspiration for this party finally came as I was wondering around Target and found some confetti, paper pails in the dollars section. I loved the idea of confetti dots and also the color scheme of the pails. So I grabbed a couple of those pails and ran with it, continuing on to the party section to grab balloons, paper lanterns and plastic table clothes. I walked out of Target with my party theme and most of the decorations for around $20. Thank you Target!
What I was able to learn from this experience is to not rely TOO heavily on things like Pinterest for my ideas and let the things around me by my inspirations. As a perfectionist, it became so much easier for me to create something new instead of trying to duplicate something someone else already did perfectly.
The invitations for this party were completely free as I made them myself on the computer and printed them from home on cardstock I already had. It also helped that we weren’t inviting that many people. I always prefer to have smaller and more intimate parties rather than huge friend parties for birthday’s which not only saves on the costs but makes for a little more meaningful and relaxing party.
As Sara mentioned in her post, I made this confetti dot, birthday banner for us to use for our party decorations. If you missed it you can download it HERE.
For the menu I wanted something that my girls really liked so of course we had Mac and Cheese; an all around kids favorite. However, since there were going to be mostly adults I put a “grown-up” twist on it and did a Mac and Cheese bar with different mix-ins. I used THIS recipe from Paula Dean but left out the eggs like most reviews suggested. It was a big hit with everyone young and old at the party! A Mac and cheese bar is also a meal that is very affordable and easy when feeding a crowd of people.
For dessert we had to have cupcakes since that’s all my daughter kept asking for whenever I asked what she wanted for her birthday. I made Strawberry Confetti cupcakes following THIS cake recipe by Heather Baird on her blog Sprinkle Bakes.
After stressing about the party and wanting it to look and go perfect, in the end I decided to just enjoy it and the people who came to share in the girl’s special day. So even though I couldn’t hold my party outside as planned and I didn’t get everything set up in just the right way I wanted I think it’s safe to say fun was had by all!
Lastly, if you’re wondering where I got Mia’s blue and white striped dress, I made it using the Sweet Simple Dress pattern by Allison at Freshly Completed. If you’re wanting to make a fun, summer dress for your little one then I HIGHLY suggest using this pattern. It only took a few hours to make, was super easy to follow and I’m just in love with how it turned out.
So here’s to a coming year with an adventurous 1 year old and a strong willed 3 year old. Should be fun…or at least interesting! Advice on how to survive these wonderful ages is always welcome. 🙂
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Link’n Blogs Linky Party {#20}

Today we’re honored to be guest hosting the Link’n Blogs linky party brought to you by Put a Bird On It. This is our first time ever “hosting” a linky party and we couldn’t be more excited to share with you the inspiration and talent of so many wonderful bloggers! It is actually through linky parties that we have come across some of our favorite blogs and have connected with some amazing people. With that being said, we invite you all to share, connect, inspire, and be inspired yourself!

Welcome to Link’n Blogs {#20} !
A place to link up your projects and make new friends. We are all about visiting links and following new bloggers here at Link’n Blogs. Remember to leave comments and PIN PIN PIN!
Cause sharing is caring. 

**Your links will show up on ALL blogs hosting the link party!**

Interested in guest hosting Link’n Blogs?!
I’ve created a spreadsheet where you can sign up to host a link party! It’s a great way to get to know other bloggers, share a recent post with other party goers and pick the features. Sign up using the link below!

Grab my party button! 

*Feel free to post my party button on your blog and say you linked up here!*

I am sharing a feature I did on Warby Parker collaborating with Architecture for Humanity. It’s a good company working towards a good cause!

Warby Parker + Architecture for Humanity

Katelyn is sharing a DELISH recipe for a spin on cheesy pasta. This looks so good! I love that it has bacon in it. Everything is better with bacon!

Be sure to give some love to our guest hosts – you will love their creative blogs!

These two girls have one of the cutest blogs! You’ve got to check out the Pinterest challenge they’re doing. Today, Hanna and Sara are sharing some divine cinnamon rolls – with a twist!

Chastity has a fun lifestyle blog and is momma to an adorable little cowboy! Today, she is sharing a heart filled printable perfect for the upcoming Easter holiday. I love it!

Carolyn’s blog is all about her life as a stay at home mom to her two daughters {which she never thought she’d be!}. And her post this week is about just that.

Here are this week’s features:

My Pick

DIY Felt Flower Headbands by Maddie Moe’s

Katelyn’s Pick

DIY Stenciled Tray by Life in Velvet

Hanna and Sara’s Pick

DIY Geometric Photo Display by The Caldwell Project

Chastity’s Pick

Picnic Basket Tutorial by Over the Apple Tree

Carolyn’s Pick

Bacon, Egg and Avocado Sandwich by Belle of the Kitchen

Fan Favorites

Reversible Easter/Spring Wood Blocks by Something Splendid

Pantry Makeover by View from the Fridge

I know the bloggers featured would love if you would visit their posts and say hello!

All features will be pinned to my Link’n Blogs board. Follow it here!

Follow my blog! If you want to receive an email reminding you about the link party, leave your email when adding your link.
Link to your blog post — not just your blog.
Share the love! Visit the other links and say who sent you.
If you enjoy a link, you can LIKE it {new feature!}
Adding your link gives me permission to feature you on my blog. 
Grab my party button! – See more at:
Ok, here are the guidelines for the link party:  

Follow your HOSTS and GUEST HOSTS

If you want to receive an email reminding you about the link party, leave your email when adding your link

Link to your blog post — not just your blog.

Share the love! Visit the other links and say who sent you

Adding your link gives me permission to feature you on my blog
Share this link party on social media to help Link’n Blogs grow!

*Don’t be a LINK & RUN partier. Visit a couple links before you and a couple after!*

Happy Linking!

Leave a permalink on your blog back to the party to help our party grow!

*here is the link*



I monitor each link and may delete a link if it is not something I want to promote on my blog. If you see your link was deleted, please email me. I’d be happy to chat about why! Thanks! 


Picnic Themed Birthday Party

It is officially spring (as of March 20th) which for me marks the beginning of shorts, sandals, vacations, and birthday celebrations. Ironically enough, my daughter and both of Hanna’s girls all have birthdays in April about one week apart. 
Picnic Themed Party | by Stripes and Polka Dots
Last year, instead of throwing two separate parties (little Livy was not yet born) Hanna and I decided to combined our girl’s birthday parties. Growing up, we never really had big elaborate birthday parties where we invited all our friends. Instead, my mom would make whatever we wanted for dinner and dessert and we’d celebrate our birthday with our family. However, this is not to say that we don’t enjoy throwing a good party. In fact, since Hanna and I have started our own families, throwing fun little parties together have become one of our favorite hobbies.

Picnic Themed Party | by Stripes and Polka Dots

We wanted to keep things simple, yet provide a fun environment for our family and friends while creating a sweet memory for our little girls. We finally decided on a casual picnic themed birthday party at the park. Minus the unexpected chilly weather, we managed to pull off a fun party for all ages on a small budget of just $100. 

Picnic Themed Party | by Stripes and Polka Dots

Since the food took up the majority of our budget, we looked for inexpensive packaging ideas and decorations. Instead of purchasing “to-go” boxes, which can end up costing a lot of money, we bought simple brown paper sacks and then printed a cute little banner on them. All the sandwiches  were wrapped in wax paper and this cute pink checkered tissue paper that we found at Walmart for $3. The fruit cups were packaged in cheap plastic cups and then topped with saran wrap and baker’s twine. Finally, all the different sack lunch items got a colorful label that we made with scrapbook paper. 

Picnic Themed Party | by Stripes and Polka Dots

Picnic Themed Party | by Stripes and Polka Dots

Picnic Themed Party | by Stripes and Polka Dots

For the decorations, we used some balloons I had leftover from my baby shower a year earlier and then we made some matching ruffled streamers. Here is a great tutorial from “Dana Made It” on how to make ruffled streamers– so cute! All the baskets and flowers were things that we had at home. 

Picnic Themed Party | by Stripes and Polka Dots

Great parties do not have to mean spending a lot of money. Try and look for areas where you can cut back or make simpler. Find things around your house, friends or family’s homes, or at second hand stores that can be reused for party decorations.  And last but not least, have a good time. What truly makes a good party is the people that you celebrate it with. 

Picnic Themed Party | by Stripes and Polka Dots
Honestly, this party seemed like it was just the other day. I can’t believe it has been almost a year later and that I’m already planning out birthday #2 for my daughter. Sadly, this year will not be a combined party since Hanna and I live much farther apart; however, we did manage to come up with the same birthday party theme for our girls. I guess great minds really do think alike… or maybe it’s our crazy twin connection. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed this picnic party flashback! And for all you “go-doers” out there, I’ve also gathered up some more fabulous picnic party ideas and inspiration shown below:
Picnic Themed Party | by Stripes and Polka Dots

Popsicle Picnic Party | Little Lovely
Boxed Lunch Picnic Party | All Things Heart and Home
Fabric Tent | Inspiration via Pinterest