Category: Friday Finds

Friday Finds #6: Metallic Love

This week has been a roller costar of emotions for me, but I’m ending it feeling truly blessed and happy about life. After getting home from my trip, I was feeling pretty tired and sick…literally. I had one day to rest up and was then hurled back into life and a busy schedule. We managed to push through work, midterms, and a nasty case of the stomach flu—and needless to say, we’re alive. I feel disappointed at myself when looking back on it now. I started the week feeling tired and wanting the people around me to feel sorry for me. As the week progressed and the workload seemed to keep piling up, I became touchy and worst of all; a complainer. In my pathetic state I happened upon an article that has helped me view life a little differently. The article is titled, “Living a Life with Peace, Joy, and Purpose”—intriguing right? To accomplish this goal, one of the things that the author suggests is to NOT complain.
He states,Life isn’t always fair. That’s a fact. But it’s always charged with marvelous opportunities if you know how to find them.

Days might completely suck, but my life doesn’t.  My life is amazing, and I am forever grateful for the love I experience, the joy I feel, and the countless blessing that I receive each day.
Anyway, thanks for letting me share my “ah-ha” moment of the week. On a lighter note, I certainly can’t complain about today’s Friday Finds theme of “Metallic Love”. Just as we’re a little obsessed with stripes and polka dots, we’re as equally obsessed with almost anything metallic! Why do we love them so much? Metallics are considers to be neutral meaning that they pair nicely with almost anything, and they easily give any space or outfit that added “wow” factor.  Below are some of great metallic pieces that have caught our eye lately:

1.   DIY Gold Geometric Lamp Tutorial |  by Sara M. Dorsey Designs
2.   Bronze Desk Chair | by the OPAL Design Group
3.   Metallic I-phone Case | from Amazon
4.   Metallic Glass Jars Tutorial | by A Beautiful Mess
5.   DIY Metallic Fridge Magnets | by KOJO-Designs 
6.    DIY Metallic Pencil Skirt | Cotton and Curls
7.   Metallic Skinny Belt | from Old Navy
8.   Embroidered Metallic Pillow | from West Elm

If all of these wonderful metallic finds didn’t fill your craving, take a look at the touch of metallic I add to my home with my DIY Silver Lamps
I hope all of you have a fantastic weekend and I challenge you to smile!
Life is not all that bad. You will soon learn that everybody has problems and nobody wants to hear about yours. Put those things aside and smile. Have a good sense of humor… I will tell you a secret of how to wake up in the morning with a smile on your face no matter how you feel: go to bed with a coat hanger in your mouth. Remember, a good sense of humor helps you greatly.”


Friday Finds #5: Valentine’s Gift Ideas

Last year, my husband Eric stayed up late the night before Valentines making me a flower bouquet from Hershey’s Kisses and tissue paper and leaving these flowers around the house with little notes. If you knew my husband you would know he is NOT a crafty person so this gift meant a lot to me. How sweet that he would take the time to make something for me since that’s what I enjoy? I’m hoping to top his gift this year, but with the holidays just getting over and a husband that just had a birthday my brain is strained for thinking of a good gift that is meaningful and affordable.Not to mention finding a great gift to spread the love with all the other special people in my life. So for our sake and yours, Sara and I have rounded up some pretty awesome gift ideas for all those special people in your life.
1. “Because I Love You…” Dry Erase Board | by Drawings Under the Table
2.  Mr & Mrs Coupon Book | by Day Spring
3.  “Open When” Letters | by The Dating Divas
5.  Felt Fortune Cookies | by “The Martha Stewart Show”
7.  Heart Balloon Surprise | by Oh Happy Day
8.  “You Are Golden” Printable Valentine’s | by The Crafted Sparrow
If you have any other ideas please send them our way! Also be sure to check out our Valentine’s Day board on Pinterest for many more cute ideas!

Friday Finds #4 and GIVEAWAY!

Feew, it’s finally Friday! I don’t know about you, but I felt like this week would never end. Maybe it is because I’ve been so excited about my upcoming trip. Me and the baby are flying to Utah tomorrow to hang out with Hanna (my twin sister/blog partner) and her cute girls for a whole week! You can be sure that there will be lots of fun, yummy food, blogging, crafting, and chic flicks! But first, lets talk about Target. We love Target and we know you do too, so we’re helping to host a $100 Target Gift Card Giveaway! In light of this wonderful treat, we decided to feature some of our most loved Target products for today’s Friday Finds.
Once you’ve finished clicking through our favorite Target finds and inspiration, continue down to find out more about the giveaway and how to enter!
2.  Carlisle Metal Bar Stools |  inspiration from Emily McCall
3.  Round Metal Side Table | inspiration from House Made Home
7. Decorative Plastic Plates | inspiration from The Better Half

$100 target gift card giveaway from Pretty Providence & team!

Here is a little bit about each blog behind the giveaway; if you’re not already following these amazing women make sure you check them out!

Pretty ProvidenceMade to be a MommaThe Little ThingsNo Diets AllowedFrom Me, With LoveMy Life As MayaOur Thrifty IdeasStripes and Polka DotsTastes Better From ScratchRad Mom Cool Kid

Want a chance to win a $100 Target Gift Card? Enter below! Giveaway ends February 7th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday Finds #3: Decorating with Numbers

To carry on with the theme from Wednesday’s post, we’re giving some inspiration when it comes to decorating with numbers. (In case you missed the post on the DIY Numbers Pouf check it out HERE!) We just love decorating with numbers, not to mention it’s a quick and easy way to give your stuff a new look. 
This week we decided to throw a few DIY numbered projects into the round-up so feel free to click through the links so you can see how to recreate some of these hot looks yourself!
1.  Numbered Mason Jars | by The Crafted Sparrow
2.  Numbered Counter Stools | by Elizabeth Joan Designs
3. Raindrop Numbers 1 to 10 |  LittleDesignHaus on Etsy
4. Vintage No. 8 Wrapped Canvas | Native Vermont Studio on Etsy 
5. Washable Numbered Stencil Mugs | by The 36th Avenue
7. Numbered Clothes Pin Magnets | Farmhouse Wares
8. Hanging Metal Numbers  | The Land of Nod
9. Touch Tone Numbered Wall Hanger | The Land of Nod
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Friday Finds #2: Cold Weather

We may not love the cold weather so much, but we do love some of the things that go hand in hand when it’s chilly outside. What’s better than some cozy layering pieces to stay warm, a great read while you’re stuck inside and an oh so delicious cup of hot cocoa to go with it?

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 

Hope you’re staying warm! Have a great weekend!

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Friday Finds #1: Stripes and Polka Dots

We’re dedicating Fridays to sharing some of our favorite finds with a round up of things we love! Some are things we just couldn’t live without and have already bought, while others are still on our wish list. We hope that we can send a little inspiration your way!
To kick-off our very first “Friday Finds”, we decided to do our favorite finds around the inspiration for our blog title…stripe and polka dots. Enjoy!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8