Category: Uncategorized

Birthday Wishes

Most of you probably don’t know this, but today is my birthday! The big 23! Another thing many of you probably don’t know is that I am also a twin. Birthdays never seem quite the same without my other half but she and my mom has gone and surprised me with a new camera! Thank you to everyone who has already expressed their birthday wishes and to an amazing family for making this birthday so special! 
And Happy Birthday to the best sister in the world!


Welcome to Sew LOVED, a blog about sewing, style, fashion, DIY projects, motherhood, health, and lifestyle! After much deliberation, and encouragement from many friends and family members, I decided to create this blog to share with the world my adventures in dressmaking and how it is helping me to become a more confident woman and mom.

Many women struggle with body issues, including myself, especially after having a baby. None of my old clothes seemed to fit quite like they did before having a baby, and I simply could not get over the saggy skin that replaced my large “baby bump” and the stretch marks that covered my body. Besides having a negative view about my body, it took me some time to adjust to my new role of being a mother while still attending school, caring for the house, cooking meals, and fulfilling my many other responsibilities. Finding that perfect balance in life is still something I struggle at but I’ve learned that by taking a little bit of time each day to do some of the things I love and to develop some of my own interests, it has helped me become a stronger, more confident woman and mother. Through this blog I hope to share with you some of the skills I’ve developed and lessons I’ve learned in my quest of embracing womanhood and feeling feminine and sexy again (yes I said it, SEXY)!

Bare with me as this blog is just starting out, but I hope you all join in with me on this new adventure of mine!

To find out more about me and what this blog is about click HERE!